Download V1.0.0 of SamVaad - Download V1.0.0
App has 3 navigable screens,
- The Main Section
- The Founder Section (Accessed by clicking on the APP Header)
- The Website Section (Accessed by clicking on the News card)
Clicking on share button (on the news card) you can share the Title of the news along with the URL to the news.
Clicking on share button (in Founder section) you can share the app's downlod URL to others.
Errors for no internet connection and 404 not found have seperate pages.
on Swiping down the news card the news will be refreshed i.e if news is updated or new news has come you will be able to see that.
Future versions will have
- elevation around the categories & countries component
- better sharing message
- active countries and categories will be highlighted
- scroll to top will only be seen after moving down a little from top.
- select no. of news which the user want to see